The Master
The objective of the Master in Olive Growing and Oil Technology is to train professionals in response to the growing demand for top-level specialists in olive growing and olive oil technology.
Through theoretical and practical training, students acquire professional skills that capacitate them to meet the evolving demands of a sector undergoing constant innovation. The Master prepares them for roles that require a combination of tradition and innovative practices, guided by principles of quality, profitability and competitiveness in both established and emerging markets.
The academic excellence of the Master in Olive Growing and Oil Technology ensures a high rate of employability in different fields within the olive oil sector, including production, agricultural and food industries, and management. Graduates are well prepared to work in both public administration and private enterprises, and to take on roles as executives, managers or consultants in agricultural firms, as managers of olive mills and processing plants, or to take charge of other operations related to olive growing and oil technology.
Another feature worthy of mention is the second year of the master’s programme which focuses on introducing students to research in olive growing and oil technology. During this phase, students work on their master’s thesis, which they present at the end of the year, concluding their training and enabling them to pursue a research career in the olive sector.

Campus de Rabanales, Edificio C4
Carretera de Madrid km. 396, 14071 Córdoba
Tel: +34 957 218 351
© 2024. Máster Universitario en Olivicultura y Elaiotecnia