Structure The Master programme is spread across two academic years, the first year covers the Postgraduate Specialisation Course and the second year, of initiation to research, leading to the preparation of the Master of Science thesis, with a total of 120 ECTS. First year The Specialisation course (60 ECTS) is held during the first year, and is made up of theoretical lectures, practical field and laboratory work and technical visits. The course will take place from the end of September 2023 to the end of May 2024 mainly in morning sessions. Full time commitment is required for this course. With the objective of satisfying the demand of professionals from the sector to attend part of the Specialisation course, as it is difficult for them to participate in the entire course, it has been structured in weekly modules which they can attend and thus complete a retraining period. The modules of the Specialisation course that professionals from the sector may attend are specified later in the Programme. Second year The participants that have passed all the subjects in the Postgraduate Specialisation Course may opt to complete the Masterprogramme.To do so, 60 ECTS must be earned through initiation to research work and a written Thesis with the results of a research project, to be presented publicly before an examining board. However, only those participants that have obtained an average score of 7/10 or higher in the Postgraduate Specialisation Course may opt for the second year scholarships awarded by the organising institutions. The Master of Science Thesis will be prepared following approval of a project presented by the candidate under the supervision of a Thesis Tutor. The subject will be chosen by the candidate in accordance with his or her training interests, following the acceptance of the Thesis Tutor, who should be a Doctor of renowned experience. | ||